Our Heavenly Father desires for people to truly know His love, will, and abundant life - to know Christ and be set free, living with a clear conscience and purpose. 

We invite you to gather with our fellowship of believers, where we train together and grow in these New Covenant Biblical truths. We have fellowships in various locations, including several youth fellowships. We also have outlets to connect via Google Meet or Zoom.

Our gatherings empower believers to live out the good news of Jesus Christ and to demonstrate God’s Kingdom authority. Learn to be free and help set others free by signing up below.


We are called to be messengers of hope and healing by informing others about the power of the gospel for the poor, comforting the brokenhearted, bringing deliverance to captives, restoring sight to the blind, and setting the oppressed free through our words and actions.  - Luke 4:18

Our leaders minister according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through faith in His name and walking in His authority, we minister the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe in the new birth of the human spirit in Christ, transformation of the soul, and the will of God to heal everyone. 

If you want a relationship with God or need healing in your soul or body, we are happy to help. Our leaders are here to minister freedom, build your faith in Christ’s finished work, and empower you to access God’s supernatural blessings. Just click Receive Ministry below.

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