Now there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if every one should be written, I suppose not even the world itself to have space for the books to be written.

- John 21:25
Praise & Intimacy
A few months ago, I read a book about the power of praise ("Restoring the Tabernacle of David" by Bradley White) ... how just praising God alone can bring deliverance and answers to prayer. (Acts 16:25-26, Psalm 22:3, 2 Chronicles 20:22 are a few examples). I began to learn how important it is to God Himself... for me to set aside time and do nothing other than sit at Jesus' feet and praise Him.  I started setting aside designated, times each day to just sit and praise Jesus. And, that's when things began to change for me.  I started experiencing God's tangible presence in ways I had never encountered Him before. It was difficult at first to focus on nothing but praising Him... because I wasn't use to doing it. As I focus and center my thoughts on only Him--to deny myself/and shush the fears of how others are perceiving me-- His presence comes and drowns out most of the distractions. Even time itself seems to fall away. The more I set aside this special time to praise Jesus... all other worries fall away and all I want to do is stay in His presence. I'm so thankful for learning about this sweet area of praise and intimacy with the Lord.
Baby Healed of Eczema
My boss has an 18 month old son that had suffered from eczema since birth. The condition often woke him up at night from extreme flare up and severe itching. She is a new believer that I have been discipling but she had become very frustrated because she didn't feel as if God was answering her prayers for her child. I encouraged her to pray specific scripture over him and I prayed with her over the phone last Friday. I also had my sister stand in agreement with me that night for the baby that he would sleep throughout the night. She told me the next day that he didn't wake up until 5am and considered that a huge improvement considering and by Monday morning, she called and told me that his skin was completely clear! Praise GOD!
Delivered from Fear
Because of the numerous traumatizing experiences I had as a child, a spirit of fear had entered in. This manifested in many ways, one of which was fear of heights to the point that whenever I was on an elevated height if I was driving, I would have panic attacks. When I took the minister's hands in our Spirit, Soul and Body seminar, the Holy Spirit showed me how the spirit of death was working in conjunction with the spirit of fear, keeping me bound. I had tried to commit suicide as a teenager and since then had been plagued with a tormenting spirit in my bedroom. I had over the years experienced physical attacks, often being awakened with it holding me down and suffocating me. Many mornings, I awoke with cuts, bruises and scratches, and had dreams of driving head-on into traffic, vehicles, walls, etc.. I always slept with the lights on as a result. Vitaly walked me through renouncing the spirit of death, and coming out of agreement with it. Once I did that, the fear relinquished its hold and left as well! I AM FREE!  I actually ENJOYED the drive back home going up and down the mountainous road. AND…. I HAVE BEEN SLEEPING WITH THE LIGHTS OFF!!!! PRAISE GOD for His Deliverance!
Free from Witchcraft
God delivered me from sleep paralysis and astral projection, something that previously tormented me for years due to my pursuit of witchcraft and intellectual curiosity about sleep paralysis many years ago. After renouncing all of it and receiving prayer, I have experienced the best and most restful sleep that I can remember in years, praise God! The condemnation and guilt I struggled with related to those previous pursuits is also completely gone and has been replaced by such a beautiful peace and joy. God is so good and so faithful!
Healed from Cancer
A very close friend had been diagnosed with colon cancer and for this reason the doctors sent her home to die but thank God there is a 'but' for those who believe. This news reached my ears and by the direction of the Lord, I spoke with my sister in the Dominican Republic and I told her go and lay her hands so that this friend may receive healing and so she went and laid her hands while we declared healing and demanded that the Spirit of cancer be removed. Glory to God.  Today I receive the news that the doctors do not know what happened but, you and I know.  Now they say they will resume the case to perform chemotherapy because she is better than before.  Our God is more than enough.  May God continue to strengthen you in everything.
Power of Praise
Two months ago, my monthly pension from SSA was suspended because of the delay in submission documents. Fear came over me that night, but I learned to cast my care upon Him. Before this thing happened, my husband and I were doing praise and worship followed by prayer and listening to the word of God. We kept on praising God and thanking Him for His goodness. In addition to this, having an established heart to God's goodness, grace, strength and faithfulness, fear went away. We kept on praising and thanking God no matter what because He is a good, good Father.  Last Saturday, my pension was resumed. To God Be All the Glory. (Reference the book "Restoring the Tabernacle of David" by Bradley White)
Healed from Speech Impediment
Around two months ago, I had a dream of a lady praying for me, although I had no idea who this woman was or where this event would take place. Fast forward to our Spirit, Soul and Body Conference, it wasn't until the last day that I realized who she was. On that very day, I received a prayer for healing. As I stood there getting prayed over, I suddenly remembered that I had never been able to pronounce my "r"s since I was born. I had been told that I would never be able to do so without surgery. Throughout the weekend, I kept telling myself that if God can make people walk and regrow limbs, surely He can help me speak correctly. I held onto that expectation and when I eventually stepped off the stage, I was able to speak clearly and correctly for the first time in 15 years.
Healed & Free
My testimony is ongoing as God is continuing to do beautiful things! I had been dealing for a long time with weed dependence, fears of infertility, sexual immorality and guilt, as well as an allergy to fish and peanuts. Over the weekend in Spirit, Soul and Body seminar at Bryson City, I was freed from these bondages in Jesus name. I had my first bowl of clam chowder in North Carolina and peanut butter when I first arrived home. I've been able to share this testimony and inspire others to lean into the true freedom and authority we have in Christ. I feel lighter, freer, and more ready for spiritual battle. Temptation still happens but it is easier to identify the lies of the enemy! This started three years ago when I started going to this C4I Lilburn Youth Fellowship. Here they opened my soul to the fact that I have the mind of Christ!! God has amazing plans and this specific testimony is just one of many, past and present. Thank you JESUS! God bless! 
Free from Unforgiveness
The Spirit, Soul and Body Conference was a blessing to my walk with Christ because it opened me up to be vulnerable and loving in spite of fear. I have always had a fear of being myself around women since 2020 when a few bad friendships hurt me. Since then, I have been withdrawn and untrusting around women. At the conference, I renounced all unforgiveness and finally forgave everyone from my past. This allowed me to connect with the beautiful young ladies around them and truly pour my life experience into fostering a connection. In this, the Lord used me to minister to one of His daughters about His love for her. The seminar weekend truly set me free from things I had been holding on to for years, and made room for me to believe in the Lord for new experiences.
Free from Trauma & Anger
I received deliverance from a spirit of trauma and anger in our Spirit, Soul and Body Conference. I am no longer moved inside by the antics of the devil when my son is not at his best. I also had many burdens lifted during the time spent praying in tongues and Worship. Though I have been through deliverance services before, in THIS one, I truly felt the presence of the Lord so, so strong! It truly blessed me to hear the testimonies and seeing the youth yielding to His presence.
Healed from Head Injury
We had prayed for a 12yr old girl that had suffered a near fatal scooter accident. She was expected to have surgery that day to remove part of her skull due to the swelling on her brain. We did a 3-way call with the dad to have him stand in proxy and  lay hands on her while we prayed. During the surgery, she had a major stroke and her organs had begun to shut down. However, Within a 2 week span, she was now sitting up and eating solid foods! The last report I received is that she has been moved to The Shepherd Center to complete recovery and is learning how to walk again but she has had no loss in cognitive ability! To God be the Glory!
Healed from Cancer
My sister and I prayed with my realtor whose cousin on Saturday had been hospitalized for a week with suspected brain cancer. I instructed her to lay hands on her cousin and that evening we received a text of NO cancer and they released her and sent her home! Our God is SUCH an Awesome GOD!
Healed from Accident
Before you prayed, I had very bad shoulder pain from an accident 17 years ago. I could barely move and had to lift my head up with my hands. The pain is now gone! My tight muscles and poor breathing patterns because of pain are also gone! I am more awake too and my walking is greatly improved. I have vision improvement too. I'm a new person! By His stripes, we were healed!! Amen!!
Neck Healed
I was speaking with my nephew. He mentioned how he must have slept wrong because he had a bad pain in his neck, and in his head. I prayed over him aloud. Five minutes later, he exclaimed loudly - I just turned my neck and the pain was gone!
Minister as You Go
This morning, the Holy Spirit told me to go lay my hand on the owner of our company and speak peace over him, which I did. He just came over to tell me that he had been troubled and had much to get done. I laid my hand on him, prayed, and he calmed right down. He then accomplished every deadline he had.


Healed of Cancer
During a conversation with one of my neighbors, he said that his wife had been battling with cancer and had lesions show up on a scan. They had a follow up scheduled in a few days. I told him that cancer was not of God and we can deal with it right now. I asked him to agree with me in prayer. I spoke against every negative report and commanded the cancer to go. I told my neighbor to expect a good report. A few days later he informed me with a smile on his face that there were no signs of cancer!
Wrist Healed
I woke up and out of the blue my right wrist was swollen. I could not move my fingers up and down or turn my wrist side to side. I also could not write or pick anything up. Anytime someone jostled my arm, I would have pain shoot up from my wrist. I stood on God’s Word, that “by Jesus’ stripes I am healed” all throughout the day. I got mad because I firmly believed this was an attack from the enemy. I placed my left hand on my right wrist and commanded whatever spirit that was attacking my arm to leave now in Jesus’ name. Immediately, the pain went away and I just had some discomfort. Full mobility returned to my wrist - I was able to do all the things I couldn’t do before. Praise God!
Restored Relationship
My son-in-law does not come to our family gatherings, and my daughter and his son have rarely seen him. I have been diligently praying about his absence in the home, and his relationship with his wife and son! Recently, he not only attended our family pool party but actually got in the water, played with his son, and spent quality time with his wife. Additionally, when my son-in-law was in the pool, he got stung by a bug and he expressed how much pain he was in. I quickly grabbed his wrist and prayed over him. He never allowed me to pray over him before because he says he is an atheist. At the end of the day, he hugged me and thanked me for praying for him and stated, it worked!